Dear Professor Mangini,

Reviewing the grading contract for Writing, Research, & Technology, I feel the grade I deserve in this course is an A. I only missed class one time the day it was snowing because I am terrified to drive in the snow. I believe that I went above and beyond with each assignment, by having them done well before the due date, making improvements on my work, and by being organized  within my group projects as well. The projects I especially believe that were A material was my This I Believe, and my group advocacy project. With our advocacy project my group and I presented a great argument during class presentation time and our group advocacy blog turned out great as well.
 During every class I also participated when we had class discussions. When writing my blog entries I wrote thoughtful blog posts every time. Meaning, the quality of my work was above and beyond the grading contract of a B. Overall, I believe that i deserve an A in this course, and I think that that shows in my work throughout the semester :)

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